How Does Google Identify the Keywords of a Blog Post?

When writing a blog post, focus on one or two specific keywords. By doing so, you are more likely to appear in targeted searches. Make sure to use these keywords in the right places, including the title, paragraph headings, and web address. Google gives these areas of your post hierarchical credibility. So, be sure to use these keywords in these areas to boost the SEO value of your blog post.

Search volume:

If you have a post in Google and want to see how many people are searching for it, you should check the search volume of that particular keyword. This is important because just because you see a high number of search queries for a particular term does not mean that many of those users will click on the result. Google is experimenting with new ways of representing search volumes. One of these changes has confused the SEO community, which is debating whether the change is a bug or a feature of Google’s search volume reporting.

Use the Google Keyword Planner tool:

To get a sense of how many people search for a certain term, use the Google Keyword Planner tool. This tool can estimate the search volume of keywords by analyzing their competition. It works by taking the average number of searches made for a given keyword over the past 12 months. You can also use paid keyword research tools, such as Uber Suggest and Ahrefs. These tools will show you the number of searches a particular keyword gets per month and what they’re currently paying.


Backlinks are extremely important when it comes to ranking a blog post. Google uses backlinks as part of its algorithm to determine a post’s relevance. Irrespective of whether you’re blogging for personal or business purposes, backlinks are essential in boosting the ranking of your posts. Abubakar Atiku is a Nigerian blogger who likes to write about SEO and blogging tips. He is the chief editor of Kibdo, a Nigerian blog, where you can also submit a guest post.

A well-designed blog post is more likely to draw readers’ attention. It may also include images, video clips, and music segments. In short, a blog post that’s visually appealing and offers useful content is more likely to be read by potential customers. More brands are turning to blogs as a marketing tool because they can generate web traffic and potential leads. But how can you determine if your blog is bringing in the right traffic?

Keyword density:

Having the right keyword density is important. Google calculates keyword density by calculating the number of times the targeted keyword or phrase appears on a web page, relative to the overall number of words in the article. If you have a keyword density of over 2%, you’ll be penalized. Otherwise, you’ll have better chances of being found through natural search. For the most part, you can use one or two keywords in a post.

LSI keywords:

If you’re wondering how Google determines LSI keywords for your blog post, then read on. LSI keywords are related keywords that get a decent amount of searches every month. However, they can be tricky to find. You’ll need to use a little bit of thinking. There are some keyword research tools out there, but they don’t cover the LSI angle. An example of an LSI keyword is real estate investing.

Use relevant keyword to your niche:

First, you’ll need to gather a list of keywords that are relevant to your niche. To find LSI keywords, you’ll need a solid foundation of keywords related to your business. Then, use some tools to find related keywords. Using Google’s search feature is probably the easiest way to find related keywords. You’ll be able to find related keywords within a few clicks, but you’ll need to do a bit more work to get a good list of LSI keywords.

Using Moz’s keyword tool:

If you want to increase traffic and visibility, you can use Moz’s keyword tool to identify the topics that your blog posts should be focusing on. This tool analyzes competition and search volume to help you determine the keywords that have the highest likelihood of generating a high-quality traffic and ranking on the first page of Google. You can use it free for a few weeks, then you must purchase the paid plan if you want to access all the tools.

Author Bio:

                    Miguel Gabriel is a research-based content writer. He has worked in various industries, including healthcare, technology, and finance. He is currently working as an writer in Research Prospect famous for dissertation writing services and essay writing. When Miguel is not writing or researching, he enjoys spending time with his family and friends. He also loves traveling and learning about new cultures.