Why is the Film Industry Not Producing Student Educational Based Movies?

In an effort to encourage students to get involved in the film industry, students could produce a movie with educational values. It would also be a great way to teach students about digital literacy, sequence, critical thinking, organization, and problem-solving. It could even help students become better public speakers. But why is the film industry not producing student educational based movies? This question is often overlooked by educators.

Online piracy threatens the entire film industry:

The film industry is facing severe challenges in reducing online piracy. Films are increasingly being made available for streaming through online platforms. Film pirates are taking advantage of the shift in the film industry by hacking into their precious files and bribing insiders to gain special access to them. The holy grail of online piracy is leaked content before it has even premiered, which deals the biggest blow to the film industry executives.

Streaming services:

Movie and TV piracy damages the entire industry. According to a recent study, online video piracy costs the US economy at least $30 billion per year. Meanwhile, streaming services like Netflix and Amazon are making the movie industry even more vulnerable to online piracy. In 2017, the movie and television industry generated $230 billion in revenue. But the cost of piracy could be as much as $71 billion.

Security measures for digital film production:

Digital security is an issue that affects us all, and it will only increase as governments pass more legislation. Filmmakers should learn the risks and how to protect themselves. Often, our physical safety is contingent on our digital security, so it is important to consider ways to protect our privacy while filming. Here are some security tips for digital educational film production. Listed below are some basic steps that every filmmaker should take. These tips will help ensure that your film production will remain safe and protected.


Invest in a qualified IT professional. Hiring an IT professional to assist with the production of your film can go a long way in ensuring the integrity of the project. After all, accidents and mistakes are bound to occur on a film set, so a professional will be able to prevent such issues from happening. In addition, a responsible production company understands that mistakes will happen and that everything will have some degree of security, so they invest in hiring a professional to manage IT security.

Protecting your production starts before it begins. List all of your key assets and make sure they’re properly protected. Screen everyone involved with the production. Make sure that third-party vendors also agree to strict security policies. Set up a perimeter for the production site, and identify any areas that are vulnerable to theft or damage. Establish secure internal barriers to separate restricted areas from non-restricted areas. Secure digital entry and exit points are also vital.

Jackie Robinson movie is inspirational for students:

The Jackie Robinson movie is a powerful example of racial equality, but it’s also important to note that the film deals with racism and the intense rage that accompanied its events. It shows the violence that Robinson was subjected to, including physical and psychological intimidation, threats against her life, and other occurrences that led to her ultimate triumph. However, the movie is a much more powerful teaching tool than an educational text.

Inspiring movie:

As an inspiring movie, the movie features a stellar cast of actors, a powerful storyline, and a compelling climax. It has an excellent cinematography by Ernest Laszlo, and a well-done direction by Alfred E. Green. The film includes an informative history of Jackie Robinson and the Robinson family, as well as scenes about her father’s role in breaking down the colour barrier. The film also shows the legal racism that ruled the 1950s.

Author Bio:

Miguel Gabriel is a research-based content writer. He has worked in various industries, including healthcare, technology, and finance. He is currently working as an writer in Research Prospect famous for dissertation writing services and essay writing. When Miguel is not writing or researching, he enjoys spending time with his family and friends. He also loves traveling and learning about new cultures.